We allow you to exchange all purchased items within 7 days of receiving the order.
All items that you wish to exchange must be in the original condition and should be unused with all the original tags as well as the packaging intact (like- If you want to return shoes, they should be packed only in their original shoe box).
We offer exchange only on items that have manufacturing defects and misplaced orders.
Refunds are not available. When you return products with manufacturing defects, it will either be repaired or a brand new product can be replaced upon return of the product. This can take up to 7-14 days.
Products from stock clearance, hefty sale with notices of slight defects or last chance sale will not be accepted for exchange or return. These sales will come with a notice and will be different from the rest of the products section for you to know.
You acknowledge and agree that you are liable for any postage and shipping costs associated with any return/exchange pursuant to this clause.